Strategic Partners Welcome
Breathe Safer - Breathe Longer
Disruptive Air Sterilization Technology For Your Home and Work Spaces
Tel: 1-646-934-5617
Strategic Partners Welcome
Disruptive Air Sterilization Technology For Your Home and Work Spaces
Tel: 1-646-934-5617
But now, we have developed disruptive technology that removes 11 deadly viruses like tuberculosis, SARS, Nipah, Ebola, Marburg, MERS, COVID, Influenza, etc mold/fungus spores, bio-weapons, and other airborne pathogens. We are packaging this technology in both portable and permanent machinery to protect humans and pets on a scalable basis. From classrooms to hospitals to restaurants and indoor sports arena, our machines will stand guard for you and your loved ones.
We combine both new cutting edge technology with old-school methods (eleven in all) to provide redundant tech that either destroys or disables airborne pathogens within seconds or minutes of contact. We electrocute, dehydrate, burn, disarm, and radiate the microscopic invaders along with six other proprietary technologies in a methodical process that removes up to 99.5% of airborne germs, bacteria, spores, viruses, and other pathogens within 10 to 30 minutes with barely a sound. At our demonstrations we show the 8 stages of disinfection/filtration we use to remove all pathogens from the air. The entire cycle takes less than 5 seconds.
Now that our world population exceeds 7 billion people, RESPIRATORY DISEASES have grown to become the number 3 killer on earth - more than 30 million people a year die from pneumonia, COPD, emphysema, etc.. In Asia more than 10% of the population have latent tuberculosis and don't even know it. Another 3 billion people still cant stop smoking. And our immune systems have never been more compromised and growing almost totally resistant to most antibiotics.
And as our world grows more geopolitically and economically tense and closer to war every day, desperate, aggressive, or rogue leaders will resort to deployment of very indiscriminate bio-weapons to win at any cost. Just one 16 ounce vial of deadly pathogens like Anthrax, can kill millions of people. As you read these words, nine countries are known to have huge inventories of bio-chemical weapons, enough to kill every human being on Earth - twice. Even worse, bio-terrorism has become a real threat to the world.
This short video will introduce you to the world of viruses -320,000 live as parasites on mammals alone. They multiply and migrate by the millions every hour.
Some viruses are more contagious and more deadly than others. New viruses are being discovered every year.
Many viruses can and have changed our DNA over the years, and some vaccines do the same.
Its amazing that something so tiny can put a strong and healthy man in a hospital bed so suddenly and without warning. This is how viruses attack us:
Virus have been found in glaciers and remote areas on earth that millions of years old. Some are very contagious and even deadly...
The U.S. Army and those of other nations have accumulated huge inventories of viruses that have been modified to kill millions of people extremely lethal weapons. Here are some of the KNOWN bio-weapons, but dozens are still top secret;
Cold Plasma is just one of 11 methods we use to neutralize viruses, germs, and bacteria in any indoor space.
One of the 11 technologies integrated into our PPP machine is ultra sound. See:
Our PPP machines can disinfect surfaces within a 30 meter radius with a special HOCL which is roughly 100 stronger than bleach yet safe for humans and pets/ See:
Our PPP machines destroy ALL viruses, bacteria, germs and other airborne viruses no matter their variety, or "variant".
At least 10 million people have died from lab leaks in the last century, but since Bio-Weapon research is top secret, these numbers could be much higher.
We humans can only hear 1/100,000th of the powerful radio frequencies that can protect us from harmful bacteria, fungi, mold, and viruses. Never assume that what you cannot see nor hear is not important or powerful. 1 Megahertz = 1 million hertz and 1 gigahertz = 1 billion hertz. What's a hertz? Start reading and learn grasshopper!
Some bacteria, spores, molds and fungi are tougher than others and require a combination of technologies to be defeated. That is why UVC light is one of the 12 technologies we use for maximum efficiency.
By breaking this cycle of infection our Guardian machine can protect billions of people.
This patent made our inventor realize virus control was poss
Resonant frequencies are one technology integrated with up to 10 others utilized in Penta Pro Machines. As you can see by this 2018 others have taken a different approach, but without much success back in 2018.
No virus can withstand high voltage electrocution which Penta Pro Pure machines employ
This video may shock you, but it deals with the reality of our greatest nightmare that we never even thought about - until now.
WWIII will probably ignite in Southeast Asia this decade, and both India and Pakistan have an abundance of of deadly bio-weaposn that winds will carry to other countries up to 2,000 miles away.
All cells and molecules within our bodies can be destroyed without chemicals or risk of debilitating side effects from vaccinations. Here is the proof...
As you see here your nose has a buffet of over 320,000 known viruses to inhale. Unfortunately, it cannot pick and choose which to ingest on any given day.
Dr. Judy Mikovits who once worked at the U.S. Army's Bio-Weapon research lab at Fort Detrick Maryland more than 10 years ago, admits that she was the one responsible for weaponizing the Ebola Virus. Now Canadian doctors claim they have evidence Ebola has been transmitted through the air. See:
Our air was relatively pure until about the late 1880's when the industrial revolution began in the world and thousands of factories began polluting our skies. 700 million vehicles powered by internal combustion engines and coal plants have put us in real peril. Global warming has been well-documented.
Microbes may or may not be deadly but more than half of them are contagious. Be sure you are sitting down when reading this shocking article:
PPP is not the first to use electricity to disable a virus. The HIV virus has been inactivated with electricity as far back as 2006. Jere are some other examples
1. Over 60 million people are hospitalized every year simply because they inhaled a pathogen.
2. Those who die from airborne viruses are usually smokers, obese, or have vitamin deficiency (all of which compromise immune levels in our bodies)
3. That most of all bio-weapons are bio-engineered from viruses
4. Most all viruses are either a DNA or RNA virus (See info-graphic on the right)
5. Many viruses, like Tuberculosis and HIV are latent (remain hidden) for years before those infected eventually feel the effects or even see a symptom.
6. 70% of all known viruses (320,000+ at present) mutated into many variants. Some variants grow weaker and others grow even stronger.
7. Viruses are not really "alive" but they can remain active for months or years and their reproduction rates can increase or decrease depending on many environmental factors.
8. Hundreds of viruses are actually in our DNA at the time of our birth and never go away.
9. Many viruses can be transmitted form animals to humans.
10. Penta Pro Pure machines neutralize/disable viruses before and after they are inhaled
NOTICE: Penta Pro Pure machines are NOT a medical device and the law in the U.S. do not allow us to make any medical claims of "cures" or "treatments". We have not submitted our machine for FDA review as of this time, but may do so in the near future. This is one reason our machines are not yet for sale.
Reading these articles, links, and references below will help you understand the real threat of bio-wars and bio-terrorism, as well as how our machines work to destroy and/or disable any and all airborne viruses.
This new Guardian technology was original designed to defend against airborne bio-weapons, but our research revealed it works to destroy Coronavirus, Tuberculosis and all other airborne viruses (See :More in the upper right hand corner on home page 1 for more details), We believe our tech can save millions of lives every year around the world simply by sterilizing the air in homes, hospitals, offices, etc.. But every journet begins with a single step.
If you live abroad and want to help us make the world a safer place and protect people from bio-weapons, lab leaks, and pandemics, send us your resume and contact number. We are wanting to align with both NGOs and strategic partners, preferably in the HVAC, Hospital, Education or Hotel industries. There is no need to panic nor live in fear of COVID. Technology lives in our corner.
Our Email:
We further invite Stanford University, The Pasteur Institute, Cleveland Clinic, UCLA, Case Western Reserve, and Cal Tech to inspect our machine and run a demo taking your own BEFORE and AFTER air samples to your own lab for analysis. Please contact us at
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"Breathe Safer - Breathe Longer"
There is nothing bought, sold, nor solicited on this website which is only for informational purposes at this time.